Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What is Kisumu Project, Inc?

If you simply Google Kisumu Project, you will pull up quite a few hits under both "Kisumu" and "project." Although you will find a number of "projects" in Kisumu, you must look for "Kisumu Project, Inc." to have our specific projects and organization. Kisumu Project, Inc. is a nonprofit group that aspires to help the people of Kisumu, Kenya, deal with the atrocities associated with poverty and disease.

Kisumu Project, Inc. was conceived in November 2004 as the brain child of Kenneth Osore. Kenneth was born and raised near Kisumu. When returning home to the Kisumu area in 2004, Kenneth was horrified by the economic situation that had developed. Although he knew the area and people well, he was shocked by the ravage of disease and poverty.

Kenneth's fervor and desire to make the world a better place led him to form Kisumu Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization (501c3). Kisumu Project, Inc. achieved status as an official nonprofit organization in December 2004.

Beginning in January 2005, Kisumu Project, Inc, with the help of numerous friends and family members started shipping needed medical supplies, equipment, food, and other needed supplies to Kenya. Since 2005, a shipment is quarterly sent to Kenya thanks to donations provided by the generous people who share Kisumu Project, Inc.'s desire to help the needy.

Kisumu Project, Inc. - Kenya, is a nonprofit organization that works with organizations in the United States and Kenya to bring improved education, health care, spiritual guidance, and related services to Western Kenya.

American & Kenyan schools, organizations, churches, and individuals work to:

- Refurbish Schools through upgrades (i.e. restrooms & water wells), repairs, and shipments of books and supplies,

- Assist needy clinics, dispensaries, and hospitals through shipments of medical equipment and supplies,

- Provide Christian Communications through Radio Tower Installations with community distributed fix-tuned radios and Solar Powered I-Pods with the New Testament installed,

- Construct water wells for communities and schools without a clean water source,

- Provide care for orphans and children of poverty through the building of a free vocational boarding school for children. It is the intention of this school/project to provide students not only with an academic education, but a foundation in micro-enterprises so that each graduate has the opportunity to make a strong impact upon the development of Kenya as an economic stronghold.

Kisumu Project – Kenya volunteers raise funds to not only rebuild schools and communities in Western Kenya, but to raise cultural awareness about the global crises occurring throughout Africa. Volunteers visit schools and organizations to present on topics such as water and sanitation development, plight of the orphans of Africa, cultures of Kenya, Kenya through the Eyes of a Child, to name a few.

You can learn more about Kisumu Project, Inc. and its projects by visiting: http://www.kisumuprojectinc.org.

You may contact Kisumu Project, Inc. volunteers at kisumuprojectinc@gmail.com.

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