Monday, April 7, 2008

Dean Middle School Supports Kenyans

In mid-October 2007, Dean Middle School's Young Ladies for Positive Actions (YLPA) invited Brenda Thonsgaard of Kisumu Project, Inc. to speak to students in the YLPA club about community service projects that will assist the orphans of Western Kenya. The YLPA girls were inspired to implement "Change for a Change," a fundraiser that involves all Dean Middle School students in assisting to make a change for underprivileged children in Kenya. In their "Change for a Change" fundraiser, the YLPA girls have started to educate Dean students about world issues. Every Friday, the ladies collect students' coin donations.

The majority of the funds raised will go toward assisting Esibila Primary School and the surrounding community by completing the building of a water well. Remaining funds will be used to assist Migosi Family Focus group, a group home for children who have been taken in from the streets. Additional funds will be used to purchase Migosi Family Focus group a computer, printer, and video camera to assist in the home's documentation of issues relating to children who live on the streets of Kisumu, Kenya.

For more information, please refer to: